Native English History Teacher for private School Gdansk Sept 2019

Lokalizacja: , Polska
Praca Native English History Teacher for private School Gdansk Sept 2019

We are looking for a enthusiastic candidates for Native English speaking Hisory teacher position on full time contract.  Your duties will include teaching  History and English at primary school grades 4 - 8 ( age of children 10-14), help children in everyday activities and preparing required reports and teaching materials. The school is following British curiculum and is covering the requirements of Polish curiculum. Salary from 7000 zloty gross - pernament work contract is offered! Candidates with teaching experience abroad are welcome! Come and experience teaching in Poland! Experience polish hospitality, delicous food and our history & culture! Work in Gdansk!  GDAŃSK also known as the Tri-city, as it is composed of three cities that border on one another: Gdańsk, Sopot and Gdynia. Each city has its own distinct history and unique character: magnificent, historic GDAŃSK, the fashionable seaside resort of SOPOT and the bustling modern seaport of GDYNIA. Situated between the sandy beaches of the Baltic coast and the green hills of Kashubia, GDAŃSK is a fascinating city with a long history and vibrant city life!
Register at ProworkPL and apply for best teaching jobs in Warsaw and Gdansk, Poland! Teaching jobs from September  2019 onwards in Poland. Join international team of teachers in Warsaw or Gdansk and work in Poland!


You need to be Native English speaker/ mandatory requirement
Diploma of Higher Education/ Teaching qualifiactions BA or MA degree
Knowledge of British culiculum and education system
High interpersonal skills, creativity, passion for work with children
and interest  in teaching and sharing your knowledge
Your previous teaching  experience would be great advantage
Ability to work in Poland  on permanent contract from SEPTEMBER 2019! 



Length of teaching contract in Gdansk, Poland: minimum 1 year
Salary: from 8500 zloty gross per month (6000 zł/month after taxes and insurance)
Full health insurance
paid holiday
Employment contract signed directly with the  school in Gdansk
Interview directly with teh school by Skype or personal interview



Wymagane języki


Oferta jest ważna jeszcze 2080 dni

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