Enrolment Qualifier

Lokalizacja: Gdańsk , pomorskie
Praca Enrolment Qualifier

Adecco Poland Sp. z o. o. belongs to an international corporation Adecco SA - The world's leading human resource consulting firms, which has 5,100 outlets in 60 countries. Operate in Poland since 1994. Their knowledge and experience we offer in over 50 locations across the country. In 2015, work through Adecco Poland was more than 60 000 people. Adecco Poland Sp. z o. o. Employment Agency is a (certificate No. 364) .t nr 364).

Currently, for our client we are looking for a candidate for the position:

Enrolment Qualifier

Reference number: EQ/02/2017/GDA
Place of work: Gdańsk

Primary Objective

The Enrolment Qualifier is responsible for assisting in the Enrollment process. This includes, but is not limited to: inbound and outbound phone activity; lead management and document management. This position works directly with the Enrollment Advisors and Enrollment Managers in a collaborative, team approach to aid both prospects and students during their application and enrollment processes.

Major Responsibilities

  • Establishes phone contact with prospects through outbound calling, , lead verification and following the lead management policy;
  • Engages prospects and verifies records in student management systems;
  • Contacts leads and follows the transfer process to Enrollment Advisors;
  • Validates accuracy of background information of prospects and students;
  • Provides positive student experiences by following guidelines and interacting with other departments;
  • Provide detailed and accurate onboarding to new students;
  • Maintains regular contact with the Enrolment Managers, provides day-to-day updates in order to resolve issues that may come up with potential students and maximise efficiency and effectiveness at work.

Knowledge, skills and experience

  • Bachelor"s degree preferred.
  • A minimum of 2 years working experience in a sales / customer service role
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills; active listening skills.
  • Excellent customer service skills.
  • Ability to prioritise and organize daily tasks.
  • Ability to establish rapport easily.
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office; experience with CRM systems and databases is advantageous

We offer

  • Role in an international company with stable position on the market,
  • Strong people oriented culture,
  • Skills development through diverse work assignments and professional trainings program,
  • Work with diverse, motivated team.

If you are interested please send resume and cover letter in english version to :
In the subject, please enter your Reference Number : EQ/02/2017/GDA

Please attach the following statement:
"I herby give consent for my personal data included in my offer to be processed for the purposes of recruitment, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act dated 29.08.1997 (uniform text: Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland 2002 No 101, item 926 with further amendments"

Oferta jest ważna jeszcze 2919 dni

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Gdzie szukać pracy jako Enrolment Qualifier

Jaka oferta pracy na stanowisku: Enrolment Qualifier w miejscowości: Gdańsk jest idealna dla Ciebie? Śmiało Aplikuj! Sprawdź też inne ogłoszenia o pracę z firmy Adecco Poland Sp. z o.o. lub zapoznaj się raz jeszcze z ofertą pracy. Szukam pracy jako Enrolment Qualifier Możesz także skorzystać ponownie z naszej darmowej wyszukiwarki ofert pracy

Zachęcamy do złożenia Aplikacji na stanowisko Enrolment Qualifier, praca w Gdańsk dopasowana do Twoich wymagań.Adecco Poland Sp. z o.o. praca. Zobacz także dostepny katalog Stanowisk na Szukampracy.pl, gdzie znajdziesz więcej ogłoszeń o pracę.

Podobne ogłoszenia

Pracownik Serwisu

Gdańsk, pomorskie


Gdańsk, pomorskie