DevOps (with English or German)

Teamquest Wynagrodzenie do negocjacji

For the capital group of a Swiss company with a Polish branch in Wroclaw. An experienced company providing innovative software, enabling the processing of huge amounts of data, dedicated to the world's largest corporations. The company which is a leader in the field of innovative data management solutions, which, as part of cooperation with global and large enterprises, offers comprehensive services involving strategic advice in the field of business data management, designing and implementing data management programs and data quality measurements by creating individual solutions. A company that bases its own tools and services on the latest discoveries of the Scientific Center in Switzerland, being in close cooperation with them, which allows for continuous improvement of data management efficiency. At the same time, for a company that cares about its employees, providing them with family business culture, real development opportunities, as well as non-standard office conditions tailored to the needs of employees, in view of their convenience, comfort and authentic affiliation to the expanded team, we are looking for:DevOps (with English or German)


  • Permanent cooperation based on B2B with paid leave (26 days)
  • Attractive salary along with monthly and yearly discretionary bonuses
  • Joining a small, 8-person team with a guaranteed great atmosphere
  • Support during implementation in the specificity of work
  • Real impact on the company's shape, culture, atmosphere and development - decisions are made on the basis of joint discussions and visions
  • 2-4 days foreign integration trips (the company covers all costs)
  • Internal training
  • Great, well communicated location of the office in the center of Wroclaw, adjacent to the pond
  • A modern office with a terrace equipped with deckchairs, a canteen and a well-equipped kitchen, access to snacks and drinks
  • Large desks (80cm / 160cm)
  • The possibility to choose equipment for work
  • The possibility of working partly remotely
  • Flexible working hours
  • Communication using Slack
  • The prospect of further development in the company's structures
  • Short recruitment process: 1 meeting


  • Operating and monitoring our infrastructure and helping services, remaining them trouble-free
  • Supporting our developers to provide the proper tools
  • Documenting our infrastructure and tool landscape
  • Supporting the incident handling and management
  • Automating error-prone workflows


  • Gained 2+ years experience in the area of Operations, Continuous Integration and Deployment - ideally you have a dev background as well
  • Feeling comfortable on a UNIX shell
  • Experience with containerization using Docker
  • Experience with configuration tools (like Ansible)
  • Ability to troubleshoot, analyze, fix and prevent future incidents
  • Practical knowledge with at least one script language
  • Willing to broaden skillset with new tools
  • Fluent in English. Ability to communicate in German language is advantage but not essential
  • Having a hands-on mentality, like to work independently and willing to perform and learn
  • Dodatkowe atuty: Ability to communicate in German language

Dodatkowe informacje

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Gdzie szukać pracy jako DevOps (with English or German)

Jaka oferta pracy na stanowisku: DevOps (with English or German) w miejscowości: jest idealna dla Ciebie? Śmiało Aplikuj! Sprawdź też inne ogłoszenia o pracę z firmy Teamquest lub zapoznaj się raz jeszcze z ofertą pracy. Szukam pracy jako DevOps (with English or German) Możesz także skorzystać ponownie z naszej darmowej wyszukiwarki ofert pracy

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