Senior C# Developer

Lokalizacja: Wrocław , dolnośląskie
Praca Senior C# Developer

NBCR Sp. o.o. we are a company with an established position in the market specializing in the recruitment of professionals from the IT industry (Certificate nr 14492). For several years we have helped our customers in delivering highly qualified specialists so that they can operate stably and to develop, and we accompany them as a reliable partner.
Currently we are looking for candidates for the position:

Project description:
We initiated two independent projects based on .NET i ASP.NET MVC. They require senior-level specialists on board. An ability to create scalable, testable code (unit tests, TDD - Test Driven Development) and efficient navigation through HTTP related topics is crucial to succeed.

The first endeavor refers to cooperation with our new partner in Copenhagen and relates to traveler insurance projects for big international clients. You will work on creating new functionalities based on specifications as well as expanding existing solutions.

You will use:
• Visual Studio 2013
• .Net Framework 4
• ASP.Net MVC i/lub WEB.API
• Test Driven Development
• Behavioural Driven Development
• SOLID principles in practice
• SQL Server and/or Oracle


If you have following skills and abilities, you are candidate, who we are looking for:
• Fluency in English, both written and spoken
• Experience in creating applications based on C# and ASP.NET MVC (2-5 years adequate experience required)
• Experience in creating testable code
• Design skills (as a bonus)
• Knowledge of REST (as a bonus)
• Focus on details, analytical thinking and ability to solve problems
• Strong motivation, planning skills and ability to work individually and also in the team
• Very good communication skills
• Higher education grade: IT, physics, mathematics or other technical faculties


We offer:
• Attractive conditions of employment
• Attractive salary and non-salary benefits (including private healthcare, funding sports)
• Visit Copenhagen to participate in training sessions
• Trainings

Oferta jest ważna jeszcze 2396 dni

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Gdzie szukać pracy jako Senior C# Developer

Jaka oferta pracy na stanowisku: Senior C# Developer w miejscowości: Wrocław jest idealna dla Ciebie? Śmiało Aplikuj! Sprawdź też inne ogłoszenia o pracę z firmy NBCR Sp. z o.o. lub zapoznaj się raz jeszcze z ofertą pracy. Szukam pracy jako Senior C# Developer Możesz także skorzystać ponownie z naszej darmowej wyszukiwarki ofert pracy

Zachęcamy do złożenia Aplikacji na stanowisko Senior C# Developer, praca w Wrocław dopasowana do Twoich wymagań.NBCR Sp. z o.o. praca. Zobacz także dostepny katalog Stanowisk na, gdzie znajdziesz więcej ogłoszeń o pracę.