Junior iOS Developer

Lokalizacja: Warszawa , mazowieckie
Praca Junior iOS Developer

For Warsaw's global softwarehouse, serving international clients in the field of web and mobile development, as well as UX and UI design, using artificial intelligence and learning systems and also for the creator of an automated tool for programmers to check their created code, we are looking for:


We offer:

  • Salary: 3 000 - 6 000 PLN net on the invoice monthly, B2B;
  • Other forms of employment are also possible;
  • Office near metro Wilanowska station;
  • Possibility to remote work when you have some "emergency" case;
  • Benefits like: private healthcare, multisport card;
  • Flexible working hours;
  • Internal meetups to share knowledge;
  • First interviews on videoconferences;
  • Interesting projects and nice atmosphere!


  • Work on software for various types of projects for Polish and foreign companies, in a team of several people;
  • Development, maintenance, implementation and modification of software;
  • Implementing your own ideas related to software development;
  • Work together with the company's proprietary system supporting developers in code quality verification.


  • Basic knowledge of Swift language:
    • variables/constants;
    • control flow;
    • basic collections (array, set, dictionary) and when to use them;
    • functions and closures;
    • classes, structs, enums and protocols;
    • optional types;
    • naming conventions;
    • memory basics (non-GC, reference cycles).
  • iOS:
    • MVC pattern;
    • Autolayout;
    • view controller lifecycle events;
    • basics of networking;
    • basics of testing;
    • basics of communication between objects (direct calls, delegate pattern, notifications);
    • basic knowledge of debugging (printing to console, using breakpoints).
  • Basic knowledge of XCode:
    • creating playgrounds;
    • editing, running projects;
    • Interface Builder.
  • Tools:
    • basic Mac OS command line tools (ls, grep, etc.);
    • basic Git knowledge.
  • General knowledge:
    • basic algorithms (min/max searching, binary search, sorting);
    • basics of O notation;
    • HTTP protocol (request/response structure, methods and differences between them).
  • Other:
    • willing to learn;
    • up-to-date with latest changes in iOS ecosystem;
    • ability to work on a project on their own on simple tasks.

Oferta jest ważna jeszcze 2545 dni

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Gdzie szukać pracy jako Junior iOS Developer

Jaka oferta pracy na stanowisku: Junior iOS Developer w miejscowości: Warszawa jest idealna dla Ciebie? Śmiało Aplikuj! Sprawdź też inne ogłoszenia o pracę z firmy TeamQuest Sp.zo.o. lub zapoznaj się raz jeszcze z ofertą pracy. Szukam pracy jako Junior iOS Developer Możesz także skorzystać ponownie z naszej darmowej wyszukiwarki ofert pracy

Zachęcamy do złożenia Aplikacji na stanowisko Junior iOS Developer , praca w Warszawa dopasowana do Twoich wymagań.TeamQuest Sp.zo.o. praca. Zobacz także dostepny katalog Stanowisk na Szukampracy.pl, gdzie znajdziesz więcej ogłoszeń o pracę.