Sales Director

Lokalizacja: Warszawa , mazowieckie
Praca Sales Director
Sales Director
NR REF.: 1095575

Your next company
The company provides accurate indoor location and data analysis based on information gathered from beacons and mobile device sensors (e.g. gyroscope, akcelerometr, geomagnetic field). Our Client uses Big Data to analyse end-users' foot traffic and routines in real time. The Company serves as a Business Intelligence tool designed for venue owners, property managers and marketing teams to improve user experience and performance of any business facility.

Your next position
Sales Director in successful technological startup company.
You will be responsible for developing sales and increasing brand recognition, building sales department which contains recruiting people for the department and developing and implementing company's Sales Strategy. Moreover you will be responsible for developing people and processes according to sales strategy and building and keeping excellent business relations with clients.

What do you need to succeed?
At least 2 years of sales experience on B2B market in technological company. International sales experience, and proven successes on that field. You have to be creative, generating ideas with goal orientation and with big picture view on inside processes and market reality. You should easily understand technical issues. Strong motivation to sell, market understanding and previous experience in building sales teams is required.

What can you gain?
Very interesting role with ambitious aims, nice work atmosphere, profitable pay package on B2B contract. Moreover, very comfortable office close to the city centre.

Oferta jest ważna jeszcze 2586 dni

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Gdzie szukać pracy jako Sales Director

Jaka oferta pracy na stanowisku: Sales Director w miejscowości: Warszawa jest idealna dla Ciebie? Śmiało Aplikuj! Sprawdź też inne ogłoszenia o pracę z firmy HAYS IT & Telecom lub zapoznaj się raz jeszcze z ofertą pracy. Szukam pracy jako Sales Director Możesz także skorzystać ponownie z naszej darmowej wyszukiwarki ofert pracy

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