Pipeline Egnineer (nr ref.: 8732-16)

Lokalizacja: Kraków , małopolskie
Praca Pipeline Egnineer (nr ref.: 8732-16)
  • pipeline design calculations
  • wall thickness, stress (hoop, thermal, bend), buoyancy control, hydraulic profiles, etc.
  • pipeline routing reports
  • routing review
  • class locations assessments
  • input to Pipeline drawings
  • crossing drawings (watercourse, road, rail, etc.)
  • alignment sheets
  • material Requisitions
  • pipe (steel primarily, sometimes plastic or composite)
  • coating
  • valves
  • bends
  • sending and receiving traps
  • generation of data sheets and material requisitions for mechanical items (pipe, valves, bends, tees, etc.)
  • desktop routing of buried linear infrastructure (crossing angles, bend layouts, valve siting, etc.)

  • mechanical Engineering degree
  • minimum of 5 years' experience in buried linear infrastructure engineering design for product transportation
  • experience working with survey information and GIS information for pipeline routing activities and drawing/alignment sheet generation
  • familiarity with ASME B31 design codes for pressure equipment (B31.4, B31.8)
  • knowledge of CSA Z662 considered an asset
  • experience in Pipeline cost estimating an asset (benchmarked TIC estimates and/or engineering estimates)
  • experience in Pipeline construction (field) or construction planning (office) an asset
  • excellent skills with Microsoft Excel (macros, basic VB programming, data mining and manipulation)
  • understanding of pipe stress calculations (hoop, thermal, bending) and ability to perform them using basic software tools (MS Excel, Pipeline Toolbox)
  • understanding of materials (steels specifically), and ability to make material specifications
  • knowledge of soil springs/friction and pipe soil interactions
  • use of BluBeam review tool
  • basic pipeline hydraulic analysis using tools such as Pipephase, Stoner, AFT Fathom, etc. for both gas and liquid systems (static hydraulic profiles, line sizing, etc.)
  • hydrostatic pressure testing calculations and profile generation
  • understanding of corrosion mechanisms and corrosion control (coatings, CP systems, etc.)
  • long term project programs and work commitments
  • benefits such as private medical care, life insurance subsidized sport activities, flexible working hours
  • personal development opportunities and possibility to work in a multicultural environment
  • great atmosphere in a dynamic and developing team
  • opportunities to work on broad programs in other locations worldwide
  • necessary training for project software

Oferta jest ważna jeszcze 2956 dni

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Gdzie szukać pracy jako Pipeline Egnineer (nr ref.: 8732-16)

Jaka oferta pracy na stanowisku: Pipeline Egnineer (nr ref.: 8732-16) w miejscowości: Kraków jest idealna dla Ciebie? Śmiało Aplikuj! Sprawdź też inne ogłoszenia o pracę z firmy BDI lub zapoznaj się raz jeszcze z ofertą pracy. Szukam pracy jako Pipeline Egnineer (nr ref.: 8732-16) Możesz także skorzystać ponownie z naszej darmowej wyszukiwarki ofert pracy

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